Course ID: ATPC703
Course Title: Aerial Operations
Provider: Couch Courses LLC
Audience: Firefighters
Location: Couch Courses LLC – 45 Hours blended learning is required.
This course requires in class attendance at a designated location and time for the final practical. This is determined by the Course Instructor during the course enrollment period.
Prerequisite: ATPC1301 Fire Service Hydraulics and ATCP1302 Apparatus Operations must be completed prior to attending this course. Students must bring gloves, hardhat, and proper attire for water pumping and aerial exercises.
Calendar of In-Class Events: Take the time now to look at the Aerial Operations Final Practical events page that the Instructors have created to see if it fits your completion schedule, prior to signing up for the class.
Description: Classroom lectures and practical exercises are conducted in the principles and uses of aerial apparatus, including the recognition of hazards which may be present during aerial operations. The curriculum also includes classroom lectures and exercises in the principles, uses and tactical and safe placement of platform apparatus. Students should have completed Apparatus Operations and Fire Service Hydraulics prior to registering for this class.
Required Textbook (not included): Pumping and Aerial Apparatus Driver/Operator Handbook (3rd ed.); IFSTA Publishing (2015); ISBN: 978-087039571-1. This book is used for the following Couch Courses fire courses: Fire Service Hydraulics, Apparatus Operations, and Aerial Operations.
E-Book: Pumping and Aerial Apparatus Driver/Operator Handbook (3rd ed.); IFSTA Publishing (2015); ISBN: 978-0-87939-575-9
Couch Courses recommends you order your Textbook online prior to signing up for the course to prevent any delays in starting the coursework.
Accreditation: Columbia Southern University Agreement:
This course will convert to
Certifications Served: For a full and current list of state certifications that this course will assist in achieving, please visit our BFST Certifications page.