Online Firefighter Courses

What are some online Firefighter courses you can take?

The world is increasingly becoming more fast-paced, and this is especially true with those who work in the field of Firefighting and EMS. The ability to balance work, family, and life commitments have always been a struggle, but online firefighter courses are a tool to help keep that homeostasis. Statista states in their study of online courses, “By 2026, the global e-learning market is forecast to reach almost 400 billion U.S. dollars. In 2019, the global e-learning market was sized at almost 200 billion U.S. dollars.”

It is clear that online courses are becoming a preferred method of instruction and will be here to stay.

Couch Courses

Couch Courses has begun the difficult task of creating online firefighter classes that enrich its user’s careers and lives. No, you cannot become a firefighter online initially; you can, however, progress through your career and work at your own pace to obtain a Fire Science degree with their affiliate partnership with Columbia Southern. You can satisfy promotional requirements and renewal requirements for your already-held Florida fire certificates.

Return on investment (ROI)

It goes without saying that promotion at work to a Fire Engineer, Lieutenant, Batallion Chief, Captain, or other officer rankings within your department drives a lot of value to your annual salary. Some states, like Florida, have a Firefighter Supplemental program that rewards Firefighters financially for obtaining degrees:

  • Associates Degree $50 a month ($15,000 estimated over a 25-year career)
  • Bachelors Degree $110 a month ($33,000 estimated over a 25-year career)
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What Online Firefighter Courses are Available?

Couch Courses is always expanding its list of courses offered, created, and taught by Firefighters in Florida. The classes are rich in content, extremely applicable, easy to navigate, and AFFORDABLE.

As of the date of this article, Couch Courses currently offers the following (the full list is more extensive and available here):

Couch Course’s entire online firefighter course catalog can be found here.

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Be sure to follow Couch Courses on FacebookInstagramTwitter, and LinkedIn for special offers, new courses, and more!

Brendan Betancourt is the owner of Sales Lift, a Firefighter Paramedic, Educator, Father, and Husband living in Englewood, Florida.

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